Survale Webinar: Candidate and Employee Experience Considerations for Today

employee and candidate experience considerations for today

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Candidate and Employee Experience Considerations for Today

Survale CEO and co-founder, Jason Moreau, joined Talent Board President, Kevin Grossman and Antonio Arias Lopez, HR Project Manager at NATO to explore new challenges that change the requirements for how talent interfaces with your organization.

“Candidate and Employee Experience Considerations for Today” explores how Coronavirus (COVID-19) has devastated the global economy and the recruiting and hiring world, along with how these changes have made candidate and employee communication even more important. The webinar covers:

  • The COVID-19 global impact and the opportunity to stand out
  • Employer and consumer brand touch-points
  • What are companies doing now: how they communicate, what do they communicate, teleworking, community, etc.
  • Candidate and employee experience impact on your employer and consumer brand
  • The business benefits of candidate and employee experience feedback today and more!

Please enjoy the webinar replay below!

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