Survale Candidate Satisfaction Data Dazzles at Jobvite Recruiter Nation

Survale candidate satisfaction data at Jobvite conference

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How’s your candidate satisfaction data? Survale had the honor of co-sponsoring our valued partner Jobvite’s annual user conference, Recruiter Nation Live this week. We have a tight integration with Jobvite and both companies share a strong focus on candidate engagement and candidate satisfaction.

On Wednesday, Survale/Jobvite client Tony Suzda from Dent Wizard presented their results from optimizing candidate experience with Jobvite using Survale’s candidate feedback platform and the associated candidate satisfaction data from Survale’s powerful analytics.

Survale candidate satisfaction data at Jobvite conferenceThe response was positive to say the least. Suzda and Dent Wizard have consistently shown how any organization can transform their recruiting by focusing on candidate experience and utilizing feedback to pinpoint issues and opportunities within their entire recruiting process.

Hiring Manager Experience

As Suzda outlines in a recently released case study, one of the most transformative uses of candidate feedback is optimizing hiring manager performance. Like many Survale clients, Dent Wizard takes advantage of Survale’s ATS integration to automatically send feedback forms to candidates when they move into “Interview” status in their ATS.

The feedback they get shows them exactly which hiring managers are providing good candidate experiences and which need coaching. And the feedback gathered through Survale is powerful data they can use to coach those managers. What’s more, that hiring manager feedback data is there, day in and day out, to highlight hiring manager performance, providing a roadmap toward higher performance from hiring managers.

Candidate Satisfaction Data and Shared Insights

Because hiring managers are arguably the most important link in the candidate experience chain, Survale recently released a new feature called Shared Insights.” Now recruiters can set up custom views within Survale and share those dashboards with others in the organization. In other words, now you can give hiring managers their own portal to view their individual feedback in Survale and learn where they are performing well and what they can do to improve. They can also benchmark their data against other hiring managers.

The Glassdoor Effect

Imagine what this data can do for your Glassdoor reviews. The combination of Survale and Shared Insights keeps bad experiences “in house” and allows you to mitigate issues in real time – before they end up as bad interview reviews on Glassdoor.

Organizations like Dent Wizard and other Survale clients use Survale candidate satisfaction data to shine a light on hiring manager performance, create better alignment between recruiting and hiring managers, and avoid bad candidate experiences spilling into public forums like Glassdoor.

For more information, check out the latest Survale case study, Full Circle Candidate Engagement: Dent Wizard Case Study

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