Real Time Candidate Experience Feedback: A Case Study

Real time candidate experience feedback

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As a company with a totally new kind of platform, with myriad uses including real time candidate experience feedback, we at Survale are constantly revisiting and refining how we express our value to various segments of the marketplace. Of course we know what our platform can do and how it can be used to increase candidate satisfaction and optimize hiring, measure and improve quality of hire, and increase employee satisfaction and engagement. And that’s just in HR.

There are thousands of features, benefits and use case cases. But often, our clients reveal our most valuable and vital benefits to us. In this case, Survale client Nutanix made one thing very clear: Survale’s ability to catch candidate, hiring manager and recruiter issues in REAL TIME is a huge advantage. You can read the whole story about real-time candidate experience feedback in our new case study about Nutanix’s success with Survale.

Real time candidate experience feedbackSurvale Real Time Candidate Experience Feedback vs. Surveys

We constantly tell clients and prospects how using Survale can improve candidate satisfaction and optimize your entire hiring process. Many prospects wave us away saying “we survey our candidates, thanks, mmbyeee.” Actually most are very polite. I just wanted to write mmbyee.

But there are a few key differences between Survale and periodic surveys, or even participating in ongoing research like the Talent Board’s Candidate Experience Research Project (for which Survale is the research platform they use):

  • Survale combines beautifully branded, mobile optimized surveys with built in workflow/automation. In other words, once you set up Survale, every candidate that visits your career site and abandons an application will be asked for feedback.
  • Every candidate that applies and never receives any more communication from you will be asked for feedback
  • Every candidate that reaches a phone screen stage where no one calls will be asked for feedback.
  • Every candidate that shows up for an interview with an unprepared hiring manager will be asked for feedback.
  • Every candidate that declines an offer will be asked for feedback.
  • Likewise, every recruiter and hiring manager will be asked for feedback on candidates as well.
  • With this real-time candidate experience feedback, Survale goes a step farther and opens up a direct communication channel to respond to these candidates immediately, so you have an opportunity to fix problems immediate as well as going forward.

Sending out Survey Monkey surveys asking a job hunter, who has applied for dozens of positions, about something that happened weeks, months or years ago is of limited value. First, the response rate and the data is going to be bad because recollection will be bad. Second, it’s like doing medical research by studying ancient Egypt. The data is old and probably not very relevant to today’s environment.

That’s the long response to all those organizations out there that have, commendably, implemented candidate experience feedback surveys want to know why they should use Survale.

Now anyone who can boil that down to one meaningful sentence wins a prize, so please do your best in the comments.

While you’re thinking, please enjoy our latest case study with Nutanix called “Real-Time Feedback Driven Recruiting” and check out Survale’s candidate experience video demo here.

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